Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Outcast United Chapters 9-12

Try these two questions this time. I will make them a little shorter.

Clarkston Officials took away field privileges from the fugees because older soccer players “caused problems” and neighbors complained about the refugees being on the “little league” field even though there is no little league in Clarkston.
How would you feel if you were in this same position? How would you react? (1 paragraph)

Coach Luma expects her players to: cut their hair short, attend study sessions, come to practice on time, work hard and stay disciplined. Her players sometimes rebel against these rules and are removed from the team.
Why does Coach Luma pick these qualities to single out? Do you think it is fair to expect these traits from soccer players? How could these expectations help the players in the long run? (2 paragraph)


  1. Brandon Gifford
    Block 5

    Clarkston Officials took away the privilege to play soccer on the field because of the race of the players. After getting permission from Coach Cooper many times they have still been getting kicked off the field. I feel that it was wrong because the mayer didnt like them or soccer even though the sign infront of the field stated that soccer was allowed. I would of reacted to this situation by getting the word out and trying to get help on forcing soccer to be allowed on the field.

    Coach Luma expects her players to follow a certain guideline to their behaivior. I believe she singles out these qualities because it makes her players respect people more, get better grades, and look desent. I think these expectations are fair. It will help the players keep focused on their work and game.

    All these expectations could greatly help these players in the long run. For example, attending study sessions would help them know they can always get extra help if they need it in the future. Also, being on time to the study session will make them understand its not ok to be late to important things. And, working hard and staying disciplined will help them get better grades in school. It will also keep them respectable to others. I believe these rules Luma sets for her players will ultimetly be better for them in the long run.

  2. Harrison Ruby
    Block 5

    The refugees getting kicked off the field impacts the situation greatly. Though the neighbors complain it is still unfair because it is Luma's responsibility to instill discipline. The Clarkeston officials may also have a hatred against the team because of race. This only makes it harder for the team to get things done.

    I think Luma's expectations have a long term affect on players in soccer and in life. Getting their hair cut short is a soccer advantage but it is more formal. The studying is a long term expectation that will get the players to work hard in anything they do to achieve greatness. Discipline is also necessary to keep the kids our of trouble and easier to work with when playing and teaching soccer.

  3. Alex Ovsiew
    Block 5

    If I were the Refugees getting kicked off of the field, I would be really mad. Since there is no little league, where else are they supposed to go? Also, the Clarkston Officials can't base everything off of their age and size. They obviously underestimated the Fugees. I would definitely have to fight against getting kicked off of the fields because it is important to me and that I have already been through enough, being a refugee in the first place.

    As it is already known, Coach Luma expects a lot from her players. I think she picks those qualities in specific because it will make them look like they are organized and ready for anything. If you see a soccer team dressed in rags or one dressed in perfect uniforms, you would only assume the team dressed in perfect uniforms was better. Although this does not happen to be the specific case, the same rules apply. Having neat hair and good marks will make all of them look focused and bright.

    Although the Fugees may not be happy with these rules for now, it will help them as they get older to be well rounded and trained to work as hard as they can. These traits will help people look professional. Being refugees, they are already looked down upon because they are not American. This sets their standards even higher than most.

  4. Caitlin Bowen
    Block 2

    I would feel hurt and betrayed by Clarkston, a place I tried to call home. I would do my very best to prove the Officials wrong. I would act on the problems the older fugees caused and try to fix the ill-conceived notion that all of the fugees are trouble-makers. I would feel sympathetic towards Luma and the families of my teammates. I would do everything in my power to clear Luma’s name so that she doesn’t become known to harbor criminals. I would make sure that no one on my team becomes discouraged and starts to truly believe they are bad. Teammates have to stick together.

    Luma picks these qualities to single out for many reasons. By making the fugees attend study sessions; it helps the fugees to keep up with school work and prevents them from ever falling behind. Study sessions can also help build confidence and help the team remember that they can succeed in what they do. Making the fugees come to practice on time helps to provide them with a sense of discipline. By giving the fugees a sense of obedience, it helps them remain disciplined on the field during games. Making the fugees keep their hair short allows them to break barriers that may be put up by culture and can also help the team members to not be distracted on the field. These qualities are very important for Luma to single out.

    These traits are more than fair to expect from soccer players. It helps the fugees to keep up with everyone else while still enjoying a sport known to all of their countries. These traits will more-than-likely help every member of the fugees to succeed in the future. By forcing the fugees to study, it helps them remain knowledgeable about the place they live and about the futures they might have. Studying will help the fugees get more jobs and opportunities as time goes on. Demanding them to be on time will help the fugees to make better impressions on employers, friends, family, and new acquaintances. Keeping the fugees hair short will instill in them the need for proper hygiene and an overall well-groomed appearance. By keeping the fugees bodies and minds well-kept, Luma is giving them a chance to succeed in the future.

  5. Danielle Hawkins Block 2March 31, 2010 at 7:33 PM

    I would not like it if Clarkson took the fugees away and be hurt. Fugees soccer team gives the kids something to beleive in. They can escape the troubles they have in life by being on the soccer team. Just because one thing happened doesnt mean it should afffect everyone. I would feel really sad in I was in that situation

    Luma expected alot out of her players. Like to cut theeir hair short, practice on time, work hard, and stay disciplined. Luma picked these qualities because it would prepare her players for the real world. Luma could start them early in teaching them values they will use in life. So i agree that these values are a good thing.

    These qualities can help her players in the long run because they will use them in life especially working hard and staying disciplined. I think it is fair to expect these because she is teaching them about the real world, even if it isnt easy. Like if you are going for a job you need these qualities to even be thought of working somewhere and those are handy to know.So Luma is preparing them for the future by doing this.

  6. Vera Motley
    Block 4

    I honestly would hate being in this position because it is not fair that they don't get to use the field and they had permission to.It is unfair that a bunch of people that barely use the field are now saying people can't use it.I would probably protest adn cause a riot so I could show that it isn't right for them to just kick us out for no reason.

    I feel Coach Luma picks these qualities because she wants them to clean well educated players.I do think it is fair to expect these traits from them becuase if they really love the game they would do whatever it takes to be on the team.Also because it shows leadership if they do what she says as well.

    These expectations might help the fugees in the long run because they will know how to take care of themselves. They won't be raggedy. They will also be smart because they would have study all there life and that could help them if they want to get into a good college or get a good job.

  7. Swathi Muttana
    Block 2

    If I was in the same situation I would feel upset and betrayed by Clarkston. I would try to prove to the Officials that not all the fugees are trouble makers. I would also try to prove to everyone that Luma wasn't doing anything wrong, along with my teammates. I would encourage the team to stay together and not seperate.

    I believe that these qualities are chosen because Coach Luma doesn't want the team to fall behind in school work. Study sessions will motivate them to do better. Showing up to practice on time will prepare them and also teach them self discipline. Luma being strict makes the team focus on the goal. Also, having short hair makes it so they won't be distracted by their hair in their face so they can focus on the game.

    Having these qualities will help them in the future. It is self preparation by following Coach Luma's rules. Giving everything 100% will make employers want to hure you. Also, finishing their work will make sure they focus on their goal or they wouldn't do it. Doing simple things like following directions will help them go far in life.

  8. annelise soderland;; block 2April 9, 2010 at 7:13 AM

    If the Clarkston Officials took away field privileges from me I would be really angry and upset. There is not a little league so how are they supposed to keep playing the sport they have grown to love? They have been staying away from trouble and given something to keep them occupied and now it's just going to be taken all away. I would gather up my teammates, and we would still play there. If we get kicked off again, we will just end up causing a huge fight.

    I think that Coach Luma picks these qualities because they have to still do well in school and to make them committed to the team also. It will help them have more respect for others and teach them good qualities for when they are older, in the real world, with jobs. Luma is helping out the players a lot, whether they realize it or not.

    These expectations could help the players a lot in the future. They might think Luma is going hard on them, but she is just trying to help them to be able to work hard and stay focused. When you are going for a job, you dont want to be raggedy looking and dumb. So having them work hard, study a lot and cut their hair short makes them appear a lot better them looking raggedy. The expectations will definitely help out now and later in life.

  9. Alexis Blunt
    Block 4

    When the Clarkston officials took away field privileges from the kids it made me a little angry and surprised. if I was in this situation I would be extremely hurt and confused. It doesn't make sense for a team of kids who just want to have fun, and aren't causing much of a disturbance to anyone's lives to not be able to do that. If i were in this situation, I would react very angry at first, and then I would try my hardest to get anyone I could to stand against it.

    Coach Luma is a very good coach and has expectations for her players. I believe that Coach Luma picks these qualities because their qualities that every player should have. These expectations will help them play better, and show others that see them that they are disciplined and serious about what they do. If she didn't expect those things for them then no one would take them seriously as a team.

    Coach Luma sets up rules that i believe are very fair if you're going to be on her team. You should cut your hair so that people don't think that you don't care how you look and it makes you look unkempt. Also, its too hard to play with a bunch of hair in your face. Everything else is just normal and expected if your going to be on a team. You should already try your best to do those things and come to practice and work hard.In the long run, I think that all the kids will realize that what she told them will help them later on in life, and they might try to get others to incorporate these skills when they get older.

  10. Nile Delso
    Block 2

    If I were in the same position as the Fugees, I would not be extremely angry because, instead, I would be very confused. Why would the people running the town want to keep children away from any sort of play? These actions show that the mayor and the town are making excuses in an attempt to make American life as hard as possible for the members of the Fugees. My reaction would be basically the same as coach Luma's reaction. I would go to the mayor and try to unravel the reasoning behind such a ridiculous and unjust action.

    There is a fine line that separates the lives of coaches and their players. This line allows the coaches to interact with the players and make positive changes within the lives of the players, but it also can be crossed. Coach Luma walks this line beautifully and greatly helps her players without crossing that line. Obvious rules Luma makes like practicing hard and staying focused are always good qualities for a coach to stress. But Luma moves deeper and requires things like her players cutting their hair short and attending study sessions. To some people these rules might seem ridiculous but in my eyes they are very fair. Luma is not preaching fashion but intelligence but in reality these rules are about simple things like discipline and hard work. When lessons like these are displayed in a sport, children are more likely to remember them and use them in the future because these sports are such a bright spot when they reflect on their past.

  11. Nicholas Rodrigues

    Block 4

    The refugees getting kicked off the field impacts the situation. Though the neighbors complain Luma should still be in charge. The Clarkeston officials may also have a hatred against the team because of race. It will make it hard for the team to get along. These expectations could really be challenging for the team because the problems of not getting along could make the team different from getting to know each other.

  12. If I was in the same situation I would feel hurt and helpless. Clarkson took away the one thing that keep the kids happy and out of trouble. I would react to this by trying to convince Clarkson that none of the fugees playing are trouble makers. This is just unfair to them to say they can’t okay on that field.
    Coach Luma picked these qualities to single out because Luma doesn't want the team to fall behind in school work because of the team practices. Having short hair is less distracting during games, so they can focus on the game and not worrying about their hair. When they show up on times for practice they don’t have to worry about missing something important that happened in practice. Luma being strict about her rules makes the team want to try and follow the rules.
    These expectations might help the fugees in the future because they will get used to working hard and following the rules. Luma is teaching her players the qualities they need to use not only on the field but in real life as they get older. Luma is also teaching them that sometimes you have to do what you don’t feel like, but you still have to do it to get better.

  13. Nichole McNamee
    Block 4

    Question 1:
    If i was in this situatoin i would be very upset. I don't think it is fair to kick the refugees off the field because they have the right to use the field just like everyone else. Yes, they had a problem by the older kids "causing problems", but that was one time. Also taking the field and saying that the field is the "little league" field when there is no little league. In this situation I would talk to the person ion charge of the field and talk about the "little league". I would try and keep the field instead of leaving and finding another one.

    Question 2:
    I think Luma's rules are exceptable for her athletes because it shows the kids to look nice and they are representing their team. So looking the part makes their team look good and organized. Luma picked these qualities because being diciplined, well kept, and staying up on their studies. This will keep the kids diciplined and show them right things to do.
    These expectations are fair beacuse it teaches a good lesson on how to be well kept. The kids might not like it and rebel against her wishes but thanks to Luma it will help them in the long run. All the things that she is teaching them will shape them into good people with good morals. So i think everything that Luma is doing is wonderful and will help the Fugees in the long run.

  14. Billy Frazier
    Block 4

    If I were in this position I'd be pretty mad about it. Your taking away a privilege that these kids have as refugees themselves. The players work hard everyday and play hard in their games, they sure earned a field to play on. No matter if its a little league field or not. And if there is no little league team, then that just goes to show how much the "Neighbors" care about the Fugees' as a team. The Clarkston Officials are clearly making a racist decision. Its obvious that there is no little league team, and that there is no other reason not to let the kids play on the field. So basically, if I were in their position, I'd be fed up with the past problems, and try to find another nearby location to play.

    I think the reason Coach Luma is trying to make her players adapt to these rules is for their own safety and for their benefit later in life. Even though some of these priorities aren't really going to benefit them later in life, it sure can help them for their playing career. Coach Luma wants them to cut their hair short. Ok, I can see why she wants that, so that the kids don't have something blind siding them while they are playing. Luma wants her players to stay disciplined so that they are good at whatever they do and so that they have good manners towards life. Luma wants the kids to practice on time. I can see for this reason is why kids are getting cut from the team. Their parents probably do not own cars, and it is a struggle to get to practice and I do not think that is a fair rule. I do not expect Luma to see her designated traits in the kids because they like to keep things the way they've ways been. Kind of like making things at home. I definitely think that Luma's teachings to the team will help the players in the long run.

  15. Raechel Welch
    Second Block

    If the Clarkston Officials took away field privileges from me I wouldn't know how to react honestly. They don't provide a leauge that kids can play on. Which is absolutely absord. These children have developed a strong devotion for the sport. Taking away their field would cause so much trouble. They have been dealing with their problems by taking it out on the field. They have been realeasing stress. They have become better kids because of it. If they took it away then in my opinion would be a lot worse than letting them keep it.

    Coach picked these qualities because she does expect more from her players than anyone else. She feels they deserve the life they have, but they need to make more of it by taking care of themselves. They need to look the part by cutting their hair short. If they attended study sessions they could improve their grades and get somewhere in life. Staying diciplined even though I understand why they'd rebel against that, you do need dicispline in your life in order to get where you need to be, become who you want to be, and show who needs to see. Coach's teachings will always help them when the right time comes.

  16. Block 4
    If i lost my right to the field when no little league teams use it i would be exetremely mad. They are usuing these excuse and creating predjudice. I think that i would rebel against these, and keep on fighting against them even though the odds are unlikely there would win.

    I think its necassary because you need your players to do what the coach says even if its ridiculous. In real life you have to think of your coach as your boss and doing what they say is neccasary for you to succeed in life. I dont know if i agree with the cutting the hair short but she believes its necassary so you have to listen to her. I think these makes them prepared for life.

  17. Mike Neuman
    Block 4

    If i was in the same position as the fugees i would think it was unfair. I would because we shouldnt have to move if we were here first. Also we have been praticing there the whole time and for them to just kick us off would be unfair. This would also make me feel angry.

    I think that coach Luma picked these traits for her players because these are very good traits to follow. They are good because by having these traits her players will be much better on the feild. Therefore they will have a better overall team. Also by eliminating the players who dont listen willl teach a lesson to them to become better.

    By teaching the players these triats now it will help them in the long run. It will because when they become adults they will remember these traits and they will always be good. Also they will have a more sucessful life and a better life overall. Coach Luma is very smart by teaching her players these triats now.
